Felony Drug Possession
It is essential to have an experienced and knowledgeable Drug Possession Criminal Defense Attorney begin working on your case as early as possible. Critical issues, such as how your particular case will be filed and what charges will be leveled against you, are decided, many a time, very soon after your arrest or during the investigatory period.
Early intervention gives Criminal Defense Lawyer Leonard R. Morgan an opportunity to potentially reduce or dismiss the charges against you before the first court date.
Actual drug possession means that the substance is in the physical custody of the person accused of possession, such as in the person’s hand, pocket, purse or backpack.
Constructive possession means that the substance is not actually or physically possessed, but that the person charged has the intent and power to control the content.
If you have been arrested for drug possession, you need to contact the Texas Felony Drug Possession lawyer Leonard R. Morgan. He has been practicing since 1999, with experience in representing clients who have been charged with drug possession.
Drug Possession Charges
Possession of a controlled substance is a Class C felony, which is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a $10,000 fine. Standard drug possession crimes that I defend include:
• Cocaine/Crack
• Prescription Drugs
• Methamphetamine/Meth
• Ecstasy
• Heroin
• Methadone
• Marijuana
Attorney Leonard R. Morgan has a proven track record for winning tough drug cases. If you or your loved one are facing a drug possession charge contact my law offices today to schedule a free consultation (512) 686-6562.