DWI Penalties

If you are arrested and charged with drunk driving, the consequences can be severe; you may lose your driver’s license, pay hefty fines, have your vehicle impounded and even receive a jail sentence.

DWI convictions remain on your permanent criminal record and as a result, may interfere with your livelihood, causing you to lose your job or hinder future employment opportunities. With such high stakes, it is crucial that you contact experienced DWI defense Attorney Leonard R. Morgan as soon as you are arrested for driving while intoxicated.

DWI Penalties

DWI Penalties for a first offense may include anywhere from 3 to 180 days in jail, a fine of up to $2000 and the suspension of your driver’s license. The second offense may include 30 days to 1 year in prison, a fine up to $4000, and a suspended or revoked driver’s license. The third offense or higher is a 3rd-degree felony and may include 2 to 10 years in prison a fine of up to $10,000, and suspended or revoked driver’s license.

If you have been charged with DWI, an experienced DWI Defense Attorney can help build your case to protect your rights. Several questions need to be answered such as was a Breathalyzer test conducted? Did the officer follow correct protocol by informing you of your Miranda rights?

Attorney Leonard R. Morgan has represented countless of clients who have been charged with DWI. His experience and knowledge of the law have allowed him to achieve a favorable outcome for his clients. Protecting the rights of his clients is his top priority.

DWI Penalties

Suspended Driver’s License Defense

An experienced Georgetown, TX Defense Attorney will be able to determine which types of defenses are best for their client in cases of DWI convictions, don’t leave your freedom in the hands of just any attorney.

Contact me today (512) 686-6562 I can guide you through the legal process and provide you with your options.